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Bone Spur Treatment

Bone Spur Treatment


Bone Spurs (also referred to as Osteophytes) are small pieces of bone that project from the area surrounding a joint. Spurs are usually caused by local inflammation, such as from arthritis or tendonitis, which stimulates the cells that form bone to deposit bone in this area, eventually leading to additional bony material formation and spurs. Bone Spurs tend to develop in an area that has suffered injury or inflammation of local cartilage and tendons.

Many bone spurs may not cause symptoms. Patients often don’t even realize that they have bone spurs until an X-ray for another condition reveals the growths. Some bone spurs cause no symptoms and may go undetected for years. When they do cause symptoms, the symptoms depend on their location. Bone spurs can be associated with pain, weakness, numbness and tenderness if they are irritating adjacent tissues. Bone spurs can also cause loss of motion in the joint.

There are many non-surgical treatments for bone spurs that may be causing pain and discomfort, including medications such as anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers and pain medications. Cortisone injections can also provide temporary relief from bone spurs. Physical therapy and exercise can strengthen the muscles around the area but typically do not provide for permanent pain relief because of the new formation of bone.

There are a variety of surgical and minimally invasive procedures to remove bone spurs when they begin to interfere with the normal motion of the joints. These procedures sometimes only require minimal recuperation time and often have very high success rates in alleviating the pain and symptoms associated with bone spurs.



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