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Heel Spur Treatments

Heel Spur Treatments


A Heel Spur (also referred to as a Calcaneal Spur) is a pointed calcium growth of the bone of the heel (the Calcaneus bone). These growths form around the various intricate tendons and ligaments that make up the foot and then become attached to the heel bone. The calcium growths continue to grow, which often causes severe pain and discomfort. When left untreated, Heel Spurs can lead to chronic pain and immobilization.

Heel spurs are usually caused by chronic local inflammation of the tendons and fascia in the area of the heel. Heel Spurs can be located under the heel of the foot (usually in correlation with Plantar Fasciitis) on the back of the heel (frequently associated with inflammation of the Achilles tendon) as well as beneath the sole of the foot.

There are several non-surgical heel spur treatment options that may allow for the alleviation of pain. Less invasive treatment options include heat therapy, shoe padding, elevating the foot and physical therapy.

Heel Spur Surgery should only be considered after less invasive treatment options have been attempted without results.

When treating heel spurs that are located under the heel and caused by Plantar Fasciitis, the most common surgery is called a Plantar Fascia Release, which involves releasing a portion of the plantar fascia from the heel bone. A Plantar Fascia Release can be performed as a traditional surgery through a regular incision or as endoscopic surgery, where a tiny incision allows a tiny scope to be inserted through a thin tube and surgery to be performed while being monitored on a screen by the surgeon.

Deciding on a surgical approach to treating heel spurs is a topic to explore with a foot and ankle specialist.

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