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Uterine Prolapse Surgery

Uterine Prolapse Surgery


Uterine prolapse occurs when the muscles, tissue and ligaments supporting the uterus become stretched and weakened; allowing the uterus to slip down passed the pelvic floor and even protrudes out of the vaginal canal. Uterine prolapse can occur at any age, but it often affects women who have had heavy damage to vaginal tissues during pregnancy and childbirth. Age, the loss of estrogen and repeated straining over the years can also lead to uterine prolapse.

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse include a feeling of fullness or pressure in the pelvis, low back pain, the feeling that something is coming out of the vagina, painful intercourse, difficulty walking and difficulty urinating.

Uterine Prolapse Surgery is one treatment option available to patients suffering from a prolapsed uterus. During the surgery, the surgeon can correct the sagging of the vaginal walls, urethra, bladder and/or rectum. They can also correct the weakened muscles and tissue on the pelvic floor. The surgery may be performed abdominally (through an incision in the abdomen), vaginally (through small incisions made in the vaginal walls), or laparoscopically (surgery through the use of small instruments in tiny incisions). In severe cases, the uterus may have to be removed by a hysterectomy procedure.

It is important to discuss all surgical and non-surgical treatment options available to you with your doctor during a pre-op consultation.

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